
September 2022

Posted by Financial Strategies Group in Newsletters

Why We Continue Fighting to End Alzheimers As many of you know, it’s around this time of year when we start raising additional awareness and funds for our annual walk to end Alzheimer’s. Not only is this a cause that some of us feel passionately…

How Much do Retirees Spend on Healthcare Costs?

Posted by Financial Strategies Group in Blog Posts

One source of financial risk that older Americans face is high health care expenses. Although the largest share of these expenses is due to predictable insur- ance premiums, retirees can pay sizable additional out-of-pocket costs as well.1 Medicare and Medicaid help reduce this risk, but…

August 2022

Posted by Financial Strategies Group in Giving More, Newsletters

How to Navigate the Age of Internet Scams and Identity Theft Protecting your money and identity has come a long way since the days when you bought groceries with a check that had your name, birthdate, Social Security number, and address printed on it. But,…

July 2022

Posted by Financial Strategies Group in Economic Update, Newsletters

Markets rarely give us clear skies, and there are always threats to watch for on the horizon, but the right preparation, context, and support can help us navigate anything that may lie ahead. So far, this year hasn’t seen a full-blown crisis like 2008–2009 or…

Thought of the Week │ July 18th, 2022

Posted by Financial Strategies Group in Blog Posts, Economic Update

At a time when recession dominates investment conversations, the consistent strength in the U.S. labor market should be viewed as a bright spot. The June jobs report painted a picture of consistency and strength in the labor market. The U.S. economy added 372K new jobs,…

June 2022

Posted by Financial Strategies Group in Economic Update, Newsletters

A Letter to Our Clients We wanted to take a moment to address some of the stress you may be experiencing due to what we’re currently seeing in the markets. Please know that fluctuations similar to this are normal and that your financial plan was…

May 2022

Posted by Financial Strategies Group in Giving More, Health and Happiness, Newsletters

Remembering Memorial Day Many of us look forward to Memorial Day as we look forward to any other Holiday. It often means a day off of work, barbecue cookouts, family and friend events, traveling, and the start of good weather for the summer months. But…