Financial Planning
July 2020
Posted by Financial Strategies Group in Blog Posts, Consortium Retreat, Continuing Education, Dimensional Funds Advisors, Economic Update, Family, Financial Planning, Giving More, NewslettersJanuary 2020
Posted by Financial Strategies Group in Financial Planning, Newsletters, RetirementDigesting the Noise
Posted by Financial Strategies Group in Blog Posts, Economic Update, Financial PlanningWe have all been hearing a lot of talk recently in the media about signs of an impending recession. You might have even heard about “inverted yield curves” and how we’re currently in the longest period of economic expansion. Also, people have expressed worry about…
The Difference Between Financial Advisors and Financial Planners
Posted by Financial Strategies Group in Blog Posts, Financial PlanningWe know that when it comes to choosing a person you trust your financial well-being and future with, you have a lot of options. There are a multitude of investment professionals very much capable of assessing your current financial situation and providing direction on how…
FSG at the LPL Master’s Conference
Posted by Financial Strategies Group in Blog Posts, Family, Financial Planning, Giving More, multi-generational planning, Young ProfessionalsKimberly DeProspero, CFP® speaks at the LPL Master’s Conference Financial Strategies Group: Marketing to Millennials Phoenix, AZ:Kim was recently asked to speak at the LPL Masters Conference about the importance of instilling a sense of financial literacy among today’s millennials. The annual event is attended…
The Truth About Millennials
Posted by Financial Strategies Group in Blog Posts, Financial PlanningYoung professionals are an often-underestimated group when it comes to investing and retirement planning. This age group of so-called Millennials are constantly depicted as a generation that is lazy, frivolous, and overburdened by debt. Is it true? Not at all! Millennial Americans…
Carson’ s Carwash : A Lesson In Financial Literacy
Posted by Hank Cleare in Family, Financial PlanningAs the uncle of two nephews, I am always on the lookout for new things we can do together that don’t involve television or video games. Back in December, when we were having one of our ‘Uncle Hank Days’, I started a conversation with Carson—who’s…
Planes, Trains and Wills
Posted by Kimberly DeProspero in Financial PlanningRecently within a period of days, we received 4 or 5 phone calls from clients requesting updates to their beneficiaries, wills and trusts. Why? The common thread was this: everyone had upcoming plans to travel overseas. So why does flying over the Atlantic…