March 2021

March 2021

Posted by Financial Strategies Group in Blog Posts, Consortium Retreat, Continuing Education, Dimensional Funds Advisors, Economic Update, Family, Financial Planning, Giving More, Newsletters 29 Mar 2021


It has, without a doubt, been quite a year. Covid has impacted pretty much every aspect of our lives and made us question how we view the world around us. One thing that hasn’t changed is the incredible importance of having a solid financial plan in place so that when the unexpected happens, you’re protected.

One of the most significant factors that affect our financial picture is the cost of living in the cities we choose. We’re seeing 20 and 30 something’s migrating to the suburbs much earlier than they had planned, and others are making a move to warmer weather. Many are working from home, and it’s hard to continue to justify the cost of city living when one can pretty much work from wherever.

People are also looking at buying homes much sooner than they had initially planned.

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